Weddle Covered Bridge

Weddle Covered Bridge is a 120-foot Howe truss structure. Linn County refers to the bridge as Weddle; however, some local residents prefer Devaney (1985, p. 192). The bridge originally spanned Thomas Creek, but was moved to Sankey Park and now spans Ames Creek. The park also features a small pedestrian covered bridge that is closed to the public.

Nikon D2400 17 mm 100 ISO, January 2021

Thomas Creek

Thomas Creek once featured five covered bridges. Hannah, Shimanek, and Gilkey Covered Bridges span Thomas Creek and are in their original location. Stayton Jordan and Weddle once spanned the creek and now reside in parks.

Weddle Restoration

The two-year community effort was completed in July 1990 with the dedication of the bridge. Howard Dew, chair of the fund-raising effort for the project, said the 126-foot, 6-inch bridge is the largest and longest to be moved in the state – and, he believed, the United States.

“The Weddle Covered Bridge is more than just an old bridge,” Howard said. “It was a turning point from the tearing down to the restoration of these covered bridges through the creation of a fund from lottery monies by the 1989 Legislature to help preserve our heritage. The Weddle Covered Bridge was the first to receive this legislated matching lottery funding.”

Sweet Home News Article on Weddle 2013

Dahlenburg pedestrian bridge

Covered Bridge Key

♿Accessible Parking - Relocated or bi-passed often have accessible parking.

🚻Facilities - A bathroom is available which may or may not include running water.

👟Inactive Bridge - An inactive bridge has either been relocated or traffic has been re-routed.

🅿️Parking available - Covered bridge is connected to parking.

The Coffee Hut

🚙Google Map Link

📌GPS 44°23′35″N 122°43′39″W

🧺The location is ideal for a picnic.

➡️Bridges nearby - Crawfordsville and Short.


Earnest Covered Bridge


Hoffman Covered Bridge