Chambers Railroad
Chambers Railroad Bridge is located in Cottage Grove. It is one of several bridges in the area and is well-worth the trip. Downtown Cottage Grove is delightful and the Covered Bridge Brewing is delish. I would highly recommend spending the night and giving yourself time to meander.
J.E. Chambers built the railroad covered bridge in 1925. The bridge spans the Coast Fork of the Willamette River allowing timber to be transported from his sawmill to the timberlands. It is the only remaining railroad covered bridge west of Mississippi.
The bridge was purchased from a private owner in 2006. It was determined that only seven percent of the original material remainded.
The community restored the 78-foot bridge in 2011. When possible, original materials were re-milled and incorporated into the restoration. Click here to watch how the bridge was moved to its current location. Moving Chambers Bridge Video
Interior image
The Challenge of Chambers
Chambers Railroad Bridge was a photography challenge for me. I would love to revist the bridge in the Fall during the late afternoon. This would provide some texture with the changing leaf colors. The structure is quite tall; as it was built for steam locomotives. Choo-choo. I did not feel my photography captured its enormity. I tend not to include individuals within my images. However, a person would provide the viewer with a comparrison.
For more information on the bridge and Howe Truss System, click here Chambers Covered Bridge and Chambers Restoration Summary
Covered Bridge Key
👟Inactive Bridge - An inactive bridge has either been relocated or traffic has been re-routed (see photo gallery).
🅿️Parking available - Covered bridge is connected to parking.
🍔🍻☕Restaurant - Covered Bridge Brewing
🚙Google Map Link
📌GPS link
🧺The location is ideal for picnicking.
➡️Bridges nearby Centennial, Mosby Creek, Stewart, Dorena, and Currin. Lane County Bridges